Thursday, April 20, 2017


The saddest sight I have ever seen
because of one word -
The seed of hate
sealed the fate
many decades ago.

I won’t reveal the town’s name.
Actually, many places
have suffered the same,
of their own choosing,
in trying to shut others out
based on race and religion.

A river town
bustling with commerce.
Brick stores and spacious apartments.
Proud city, too proud.
The shiny storefront windows
were used for looking out,
keeping “them” from walking in.

The town looked successful.
A large library
and corners built up with churches.
Did the people go to hear the Word preached
or were their hearts beyond reach?
Was Sunday just a day to pass
their manners around,
among their stalwart like and kind?

They built the town –
monuments to business acumen
and to men.
They bled the town,
one drop at a time
as those who were kept out

A dying town
 bound together
by the growing measure
of verdant vines
dressed in false buds and trailing tendrils.
Buildings once standing tall,
standing now like ghostly corpses
looking for lost parts,
hope and promise long deceased.

Where does hate start?
I have seen the saddest sight-
a town that hate devoured.
Was there not just one who knew what was right?

Amy Holt Taylor September 2, 2011

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